Saturday, November 22, 2008

Creativity Runs in the Family

A story by Isaac - October 2008 **8 years old**

Blood, Blood, and More BloAghhh......

One dark night there was a ZOMBIE SCARECROW THA.....Agh....! OK I'm the new writer because the ZOMBIE SCARECROW ate the old one. He was scary, he had children's blood drooling from his mouth, Aghhh........ Why do we need another writer? Whatever. He was the freakiest zombie ever. That is why I never had any brothers. Boo hoo hoo. It will pull you in his grave and rip your guts out one by one... Mwa haw haw haw!! Aggghhhh!!!! I'm sorry we're having people difficulties..... Aghhh

The End?

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