Monday, March 23, 2009

Unrealized Horizon

I love to dance. And I love art. Just as I never pursued to become a dancer, I never pursued to become an artist. Over the past 4 years or so, desire to create has gradually crept into my heart. It all began with picking up my flute after a decade of not playing a single note. It wasn't a gradual ease into playing, either... I jumped right onto the worship team at church and there I was. The dancing came next. Again it had to do with worship, and I was truly unable to keep my body from engaging in the music. Last year, I choreographed a dance for Easter morning (with help from my dear friend Tina.) I, in my wildest dreams, never would have thought I was capable of something like that... only because I have never been trained in dance. So, as you can see, there has been an interesting progression which has now blossomed into drawing.

I sat last night, reflecting on the sermon I had heard that morning, and began to sketch. This drawing is what came out of that reflection. I see so often in my own life, and in the lives of those around me, that we often limit ourselves from our true potential. When we were first dreamt by God, he set a horizon before us... something that is within our design to attain. How we get to the horizon and how we fill the space before the horizon is up to us. I want to fill mine completely. I do not want to look back and see areas in my life that were unreached by love, or to think of what could have been.

I will keep playing my flute. I will dance. And I will draw. Then do whatever else is laid before me.

1 comment:

SandyBo said...

Cool blog. I think I need to try it!